Our Featured Mineral Area Houses For Sale
“Philip sold our house after only 2 days on the market!!! He was also the real estate agent for the house we bought, once we sold ours. He is a great person and a wonderful real estate agent!!! Would HIGHLY recommended!”
“Philip sold our house after only 2 days on the market!!! He was also the real estate agent for the house we bought, once we sold ours. He is a great person and a wonderful real estate agent!!! Would HIGHLY recommended!”
Comparing Mineral Area Real Estate Agents?
Fitzwater Properties Focuses On A Better Home Buying & Selling Experience
Buying or selling a property in Washington County? Excellent!
As you know there are lots of options when it comes to real estate agents in Washington and St. Francois Counties and you’ve got a decision to make.
If you’re looking to sell your house Fitzwater Properties can help you sell your house for the highest price, making it effortless for you on your terms.
If you’re buying a home or property, Fitzwater Properties has the experience you need to help make the buying process easier, less time consuming, and we’re on your side to help make sure you get the best deal while we worry about all of the details.
Either way, countless local home owners and investors trust Fitzwater Properties to help them wade through the real estate buying and selling process while keeping more cash in your pocket and helping you save the time and headache of working with less experienced brokers.

Comparing Mineral Area Real Estate Agents?
Fitzwater Realty Focuses On A Better Home Buying & Selling Experience
Buying or selling a property in Washington County? Excellent!
As you know there are lots of options when it comes to real estate agents in Washington and St. Francois Counties and you’ve got a decision to make.
If you’re looking to sell your house Fitzwater Realty can help you sell your house for the highest price, making it effortless for you on your terms.
If you’re buying a home or property, Fitzwater Realty has the experience you need to help make the buying process easier, less time consuming, and we’re on your side to help make sure you get the best deal while we worry about all of the details.
Either way, countless local home owners and investors trust Fitzwater Realty to help them wade through the real estate buying and selling process while keeping more cash in your pocket and helping you save the time and headache of working with less experienced brokers.

Comparing Mineral Area Real Estate Agents?
Fitzwater Properties Focuses On A Better Home Buying & Selling Experience
Buying or selling a property in Washington County? Excellent!
As you know there are lots of options when it comes to real estate agents in Washington and St. Francois Counties and you’ve got a decision to make.
If you’re looking to sell your house Fitzwater Properties can help you sell your house for the highest price, making it effortless for you on your terms.
If you’re buying a home or property, Fitzwater Properties has the experience you need to help make the buying process easier, less time consuming, and we’re on your side to help make sure you get the best deal while we worry about all of the details.
Either way, countless local home owners and investors trust Fitzwater Properties to help them wade through the real estate buying and selling process while keeping more cash in your pocket and helping you save the time and headache of working with less experienced brokers.

When you work with Fitzwater Realty we promise to help you…
- Save time worrying about your purchase or sale so you can keep enjoying your life
- Avoid costly mistakes that can pop up with difficult transactions
- Keep more money in your pocket
- … and more.
We’re excited to work with you!
Give me a call at (573) 701-2596 or dive into the resources we have on this site.
– Fitzwater Realty
When you work with Fitzwater Properties we promise to help you…
- Save time worrying about your purchase or sale so you can keep enjoying your life
- Avoid costly mistakes that can pop up with difficult transactions
- Keep more money in your pocket
- … and more.
We’re excited to work with you!
Give me a call at (573) 701-2596 or dive into the resources we have on this site.
– Fitzwater Properties
Give Us A Call Today!
(573) 701-2596
“Philip sold our house after only 2 days on the market!!! He was also the real estate agent for the house we bought, once we sold ours. He is a great person and a wonderful real estate agent!!! Would HIGHLY recommended!”
Fitzwater Realty
Fitzwater Realty
124 W. Pine
Farmington, MO
Phone: (573) 701-2596
Email us!
Give Us A Call Today!
(573) 701-2596
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